{ "activate": { "title": "Activation", "messages": { "success": "Your user account has been activated. Please ", "error": "Your user could not be activated. Please use the registration form to sign up." } }, "configuration": { "title": "Configuration", "filter": "Filter (by prefix)", "table": { "prefix": "Prefix", "properties": "Properties" } }, "mcpfrontendApp": { "customerPlan": { "home": { "title": "Customer Plans", "createLabel": "Create a new Customer Plan", "createOrEditLabel": "Create or edit a Customer Plan" }, "created": "A new Customer Plan is created with identifier {{ param }}", "updated": "A Customer Plan is updated with identifier {{ param }}", "deleted": "A Customer Plan is deleted with identifier {{ param }}", "delete": { "question": "Are you sure you want to delete Customer Plan {{ id }}?" }, "detail": { "title": "Customer Plan" }, "code": "Code", "alias": "Alias", "name": "Name", "status": "Status", "dueDate": "Due Date", "featureUsage": "Feature Usage", "planFeature": "Plan Feature" }, "FeatureType": { "null": "", "CONTRATADO": "CONTRATADO", "PAQUETES_ADICIONALES": "PAQUETES_ADICIONALES", "BONO": "BONO", "ILIMITADOS": "ILIMITADOS", "ROAMING": "ROAMING", "CONSUMO": "CONSUMO", "BALANCE_PROMOCIONAL": "BALANCE_PROMOCIONAL" }, "featureUsage": { "home": { "title": "Feature Usages", "createLabel": "Create a new Feature Usage", "createOrEditLabel": "Create or edit a Feature Usage" }, "created": "A new Feature Usage is created with identifier {{ param }}", "updated": "A Feature Usage is updated with identifier {{ param }}", "deleted": "A Feature Usage is deleted with identifier {{ param }}", "delete": { "question": "Are you sure you want to delete Feature Usage {{ id }}?" }, "detail": { "title": "Feature Usage" }, "name": "Name", "type": "Type", "planBalance": "Plan Balance", "consumedBalance": "Consumed Balance", "currentBalance": "Current Balance", "rollingBalance": "Rolling Balance", "consumedRollingBalance": "Consumed Rolling Balance", "currentRollingBalance": "Current Rolling Balance", "startRollover": "Start Rollover", "endRollover": "End Rollover", "customerPlan": "Customer Plan" }, "planFeature": { "home": { "title": "Plan Features", "createLabel": "Create a new Plan Feature", "createOrEditLabel": "Create or edit a Plan Feature" }, "created": "A new Plan Feature is created with identifier {{ param }}", "updated": "A Plan Feature is updated with identifier {{ param }}", "deleted": "A Plan Feature is deleted with identifier {{ param }}", "delete": { "question": "Are you sure you want to delete Plan Feature {{ id }}?" }, "detail": { "title": "Plan Feature" }, "name": "Name", "details": "Details", "customerPlan": "Customer Plan" }, "Status": { "null": "", "INACTIVE": "INACTIVE", "ACTIVE": "ACTIVE" } }, "error": { "title": "Error page!", "http": { "400": "Bad request.", "403": "You are not authorized to access this page.", "405": "The HTTP verb you used is not supported for this URL.", "500": "Internal server error." }, "concurrencyFailure": "Another user modified this data at the same time as you. Your changes were rejected.", "validation": "Validation error on the server.", "internalServerError": "Internal server error", "server.not.reachable": "Server not reachable", "url.not.found": "Not found", "NotNull": "Field {{ fieldName }} cannot be empty!", "Size": "Field {{ fieldName }} does not meet min/max size requirements!", "userexists": "Login name already used!", "emailexists": "Email is already in use!", "idexists": "A new {{ entityName }} cannot already have an ID", "idnull": "Invalid ID" }, "gateway": { "title": "Gateway", "routes": { "title": "Current routes", "url": "URL", "service": "Service", "servers": "Available servers", "error": "Warning: no server available!" }, "refresh": { "button": "Refresh" } }, "global": { "title": "Mcpfrontend", "browsehappy": "You are using an outdated browser. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience.", "menu": { "home": "Home", "jhipster-needle-menu-add-element": "JHipster will add additional menu entries here (do not translate!)", "entities": { "main": "Entities", "customerPlanMcp": "Customer Plan", "planFeatureMcp": "Plan Feature", "featureUsageMcp": "Feature Usage", "jhipster-needle-menu-add-entry": "JHipster will add additional entities here (do not translate!)" }, "account": { "main": "Account", "settings": "Settings", "user": { "profile": "User Profile" }, "password": "Password", "sessions": "Sessions", "login": "Sign in", "logout": "Sign out", "register": "Register" }, "admin": { "main": "Administration", "gateway": "Gateway", "userManagement": "User management", "tracker": "User tracker", "metrics": "Metrics", "health": "Health", "configuration": "Configuration", "logs": "Logs", "apidocs": "API", "database": "Database", "jhipster-needle-menu-add-admin-element": "JHipster will add additional menu entries here (do not translate!)" }, "language": "Language" }, "form": { "username": "Username", "username.placeholder": "Your username", "currentpassword": "Current password", "currentpassword.placeholder": "Current password", "newpassword": "New password", "newpassword.placeholder": "New password", "confirmpassword": "New password confirmation", "confirmpassword.placeholder": "Confirm the new password", "email": "Email", "email.placeholder": "Your email" }, "messages": { "info": { "authenticated": { "prefix": "If you want to ", "link": "sign in", "suffix": ", you can try the default accounts:
- Administrator (login=\"admin\" and password=\"admin\")
- User (login=\"user\" and password=\"user\")." }, "register": { "noaccount": "You don't have an account yet?", "link": "Register a new account" } }, "error": { "dontmatch": "The password and its confirmation do not match!" }, "validate": { "newpassword": { "required": "Your password is required.", "minlength": "Your password is required to be at least 4 characters.", "maxlength": "Your password cannot be longer than 50 characters.", "strength": "Password strength:" }, "confirmpassword": { "required": "Your confirmation password is required.", "minlength": "Your confirmation password is required to be at least 4 characters.", "maxlength": "Your confirmation password cannot be longer than 50 characters." }, "email": { "required": "Your email is required.", "invalid": "Your email is invalid.", "minlength": "Your email is required to be at least 5 characters.", "maxlength": "Your email cannot be longer than 50 characters." } } }, "field": { "id": "ID" }, "ribbon": { "dev": "Development" }, "item-count": "Showing {{first}} - {{second}} of {{total}} items." }, "entity": { "action": { "addblob": "Add blob", "addimage": "Add image", "back": "Back", "cancel": "Cancel", "delete": "Delete", "edit": "Edit", "open": "Open", "save": "Save", "view": "View" }, "detail": { "field": "Field", "value": "Value" }, "delete": { "title": "Confirm delete operation" }, "validation": { "required": "This field is required.", "minlength": "This field is required to be at least {{ min }} characters.", "maxlength": "This field cannot be longer than {{ max }} characters.", "min": "This field should be at least {{ min }}.", "max": "This field cannot be more than {{ max }}.", "minbytes": "This field should be at least {{ min }} bytes.", "maxbytes": "This field cannot be more than {{ max }} bytes.", "pattern": "This field should follow pattern for {{ pattern }}.", "number": "This field should be a number.", "datetimelocal": "This field should be a date and time.", "patternLogin": "This field can only contain letters, digits and e-mail addresses." } }, "footer": "This is your footer", "health": { "title": "Health Checks", "refresh.button": "Refresh", "stacktrace": "Stacktrace", "details": { "details": "Details", "properties": "Properties", "name": "Name", "value": "Value", "error": "Error" }, "indicator": { "discoveryComposite": "Discovery Composite", "refreshScope": "Microservice Refresh Scope", "configServer": "Microservice Config Server", "hystrix": "Hystrix", "diskSpace": "Disk space", "mail": "Email" }, "table": { "service": "Service name", "status": "Status" }, "status": { "UNKNOWN": "UNKNOWN", "UP": "UP", "DOWN": "DOWN" } }, "home": { "title": "Welcome, Java Hipster!", "subtitle": "This is your homepage", "logged": { "message": "You are logged in as user \"{{username}}\"." }, "question": "If you have any question on JHipster:", "link": { "homepage": "JHipster homepage", "stackoverflow": "JHipster on Stack Overflow", "bugtracker": "JHipster bug tracker", "chat": "JHipster public chat room", "follow": "follow @java_hipster on Twitter" }, "like": "If you like JHipster, don't forget to give us a star on", "github": "GitHub" }, "login": { "title": "Sign in", "form": { "password": "Password", "password.placeholder": "Your password", "rememberme": "Remember me", "button": "Sign in" }, "messages": { "error": { "authentication": "Failed to sign in! Please check your credentials and try again." } }, "password": { "forgot": "Did you forget your password?" } }, "logs": { "title": "Logs", "nbloggers": "There are {{ total }} loggers.", "filter": "Filter", "table": { "name": "Name", "level": "Level" } }, "metrics": { "title": "Application Metrics", "refresh.button": "Refresh", "updating": "Updating...", "jvm": { "title": "JVM Metrics", "memory": { "title": "Memory", "total": "Total Memory", "heap": "Heap Memory", "nonheap": "Non-Heap Memory" }, "threads": { "title": "Threads", "all": "All", "runnable": "Runnable", "timedwaiting": "Timed waiting", "waiting": "Waiting", "blocked": "Blocked", "dump": { "title": "Threads dump", "id": "Id: ", "blockedtime": "Blocked Time", "blockedcount": "Blocked Count", "waitedtime": "Waited Time", "waitedcount": "Waited Count", "lockname": "Lock name", "stacktrace": "Stacktrace", "show": "Show Stacktrace", "hide": "Hide Stacktrace" } }, "gc": { "title": "Garbage collections", "marksweepcount": "Mark Sweep count", "marksweeptime": "Mark Sweep time", "scavengecount": "Scavenge count", "scavengetime": "Scavenge time" }, "http": { "title": "HTTP requests (events per second)", "active": "Active requests:", "total": "Total requests:", "table": { "code": "Code", "count": "Count", "mean": "Mean", "average": "Average" }, "code": { "ok": "Ok", "notfound": "Not found", "servererror": "Server Error" } } }, "servicesstats": { "title": "Services statistics (time in millisecond)", "table": { "name": "Service name", "count": "Count", "mean": "Mean", "min": "Min", "max": "Max", "p50": "p50", "p75": "p75", "p95": "p95", "p99": "p99" } }, "cache": { "title": "Cache statistics", "cachename": "Cache name", "hits": "Cache Hits", "misses": "Cache Misses", "gets": "Cache Gets", "puts": "Cache Puts", "removals": "Cache Removals", "evictions": "Cache Evictions", "hitPercent": "Cache Hit %", "missPercent": "Cache Miss %", "averageGetTime": "Average get time (µs)", "averagePutTime": "Average put time (µs)", "averageRemoveTime": "Average remove time (µs)" }, "datasource": { "usage": "Usage", "title": "DataSource statistics (time in millisecond)", "name": "Pool usage", "count": "Count", "mean": "Mean", "min": "Min", "max": "Max", "p50": "p50", "p75": "p75", "p95": "p95", "p99": "p99" } }, "password": { "title": "Password for [{{username}}]", "form": { "button": "Save" }, "messages": { "error": "An error has occurred! The password could not be changed.", "success": "Password changed!" } }, "register": { "title": "Registration", "form": { "button": "Register" }, "messages": { "validate": { "login": { "required": "Your username is required.", "minlength": "Your username is required to be at least 1 character.", "maxlength": "Your username cannot be longer than 50 characters.", "pattern": "Your username can only contain letters and digits." } }, "success": "Registration saved! Please check your email for confirmation.", "error": { "fail": "Registration failed! Please try again later.", "userexists": "Login name already registered! Please choose another one.", "emailexists": "Email is already in use! Please choose another one." } } }, "reset": { "request": { "title": "Reset your password", "form": { "button": "Reset password" }, "messages": { "info": "Enter the email address you used to register", "success": "Check your emails for details on how to reset your password.", "notfound": "Email address isn't registered! Please check and try again" } }, "finish": { "title": "Reset password", "form": { "button": "Validate new password" }, "messages": { "info": "Choose a new password", "success": "Your password has been reset. Please ", "keymissing": "The reset key is missing.", "error": "Your password couldn't be reset. Remember a password request is only valid for 24 hours." } } }, "sessions": { "title": "Active sessions for [{{username}}]", "table": { "ipaddress": "IP address", "useragent": "User Agent", "date": "Date", "button": "Invalidate" }, "messages": { "success": "Session invalidated!", "error": "An error has occurred! The session could not be invalidated." } }, "settings": { "title": "User settings for [{{username}}]", "form": { "firstname": "First Name", "firstname.placeholder": "Your first name", "lastname": "Last Name", "lastname.placeholder": "Your last name", "language": "Language", "button": "Save" }, "messages": { "error": { "fail": "An error has occurred! Settings could not be saved.", "emailexists": "Email is already in use! Please choose another one." }, "success": "Settings saved!", "validate": { "firstname": { "required": "Your first name is required.", "minlength": "Your first name is required to be at least 1 character", "maxlength": "Your first name cannot be longer than 50 characters" }, "lastname": { "required": "Your last name is required.", "minlength": "Your last name is required to be at least 1 character", "maxlength": "Your last name cannot be longer than 50 characters" } } } }, "userManagement": { "home": { "title": "Users", "createLabel": "Create a new user", "createOrEditLabel": "Create or edit a user" }, "created": "A new user is created with identifier {{ param }}", "updated": "An user is updated with identifier {{ param }}", "deleted": "An user is deleted with identifier {{ param }}", "delete": { "question": "Are you sure you want to delete user {{ login }}?" }, "detail": { "title": "User" }, "login": "Login", "firstName": "First name", "lastName": "Last name", "email": "Email", "activated": "Activated", "deactivated": "Deactivated", "profiles": "Profiles", "langKey": "Language", "createdBy": "Created by", "createdDate": "Created date", "lastModifiedBy": "Modified by", "lastModifiedDate": "Modified date" } }